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How to Trim Fakahatchee Grass

Fakahatchee grass is an ornamental species that also goes by the name gamma grass. Although it is native to the southeastern United States, it can grow in United States Department of Agriculture growing zones 5 through 10. The plant is evergreen in the warmer growing zones and a perennial in all others. As an ornamental, Fakahatchee grass requires a bit of trimming to keep it attractive. Growers in cold climates also must cut back dead foliage in winter.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand pruners
  • Pruning shears
  • All-purpose lawn fertilizer
  • Water
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      Wait until the late fall or early winter and identify any brown string-like areas near the upper portion of the Fakahatchee grass, which are remnants of the flower blossoms. Trace the stem of each one back individually as far as you can into the center of the plant and cut it off with hand pruners.

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      Trim back the overall shape of the Fakahatchee grass using pruning shears to cut approximately 1/2 inch to 1 inch off the tips of the grass blades. Start at the top of the grass and slope down the sides in a round mounded shape to neaten the plant’s natural shape.

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      Wait until the late winter and examine the leaves of the Fakahatchee grass to see if they are brown or yellow, meaning they are dead for the year. Cut all of the blades off 6 inches above the ground using pruning shears and gather up the dead foliage to dispose of it.

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      Apply an all-purpose lawn fertilizer to the soil under the Fakahatchee grass immediately after cutting it back hard to encourage healthy new growth in the spring. Refer to the fertilizer package for the proper amount and sprinkle it under the blades. Water the soil to a 2- or 3-inch depth to dissolve the fertilizer.