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A Planting Guide for Amazoy Zoysia

Amazoy zoysia grass is a variety of turfgrass that grows in a range of soil and climatic conditions. Once established, it requires little maintenance and grows as a tough but soft carpet of grass, sending runners out through the soil and growing sideways more than it grows upward. This growing pattern provides a thick layer that chokes out most weeds once it is established. The most common way to plant amazoy zoysia is by plugging, where small pieces are cut from sheets of sod and planted in the soil.
  1. Site Preparation

    • Amazoya zoysia should be planted between April and July. It thrives in full sunlight to partial shade and prefers moist soil. Typically, zoysia grass is purchased in sheets, which you moisten and then cut into 1-inch squares. Often the easiest way to do this is to cut it first into strips, but avoid ripping the sheets apart. Before planting, mow any existing grass as low as possible and water the soil if it is dry.


    • Your plugs will require space to spread as they become established. Dig staggered holes using a small garden trowel, spacing them 4, 6 or 12 inches apart. Make the holes deeper and wider than each of your 1-inch plugs. Moisten the soil in each hole if necessary and place some of the excavated soil into the hole to partially refill them. When you place the roots of your first plug into the hole, the top should sit slightly higher than the soil line. Fill in the soil around the roots only and step on each plug to ensure that the roots are in contact with the soil and to avoid air pockets. This won’t damage the plugs. Amazoy zoysia may brown or dry before planting. It is not dead, but has gone dormant and can be brought back with light, water and warm temperatures.

    Watering and Care

    • Water your newly planted zoysia plugs daily for at least 15 minutes during the first three weeks of growth. Use a mist of water, not a heavy stream and water in the morning while there is still dew on the grass. If it has rained on a particular day, hold off watering until the following day. Reduce watering after three weeks to weekly watering. Saturate the soil during these waterings to encourage deep rooting of the grass. Avoid mowing for at least 30 days after planting. This may disturb the plugs and damage your new grass. Avoid herbicides or any other weed control for at least 45 days after planting. You may apply a post or pre-emergent broad leaf herbicide to control weeds after this period.


    • Amazoya zoysia typically requires ample fertilization and a soil pH between 6.0 and 6.5 for ideal growth and appearance. Apply between 2 to 4 pounds of water-soluble nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn each year. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System recommends using a complete fertilizer such as 16-4-8 or 10-10-10 first in April and again in June and August. Zoysia grass planted in sandy soils may require a pound of potassium per 1,000 square feet yearly as well. Apply this in September to aid in winter survival. Do not use granular fertilizers. This can burn amazoy zoysia grass. Test the soil every two to three years to determine whether your grass requires fertilization or lime application.