Home Garden

Instructions for a Soaker Sprinkler Hose

A soaker hose provides a simple and inexpensive choice for adding drip irrigation to the home garden. The most simple soaker hose is nothing more than a traditional garden hose with holes pierced through its length. More complex setups contain regulators that control the flow of water and emitters that further direct the water flow instead of using simply plain holes. All types work well as an irrigation choice because they direct water directly into the soil and to the plant roots so less moisture is lost through evaporation.

Things You'll Need

  • Soaker hose
  • Plastic mulch
  • Faucet timer
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      Lay the soaker hose along the garden row it's meant to irrigate. Arrange the hose so the holes or water emitters are on the plant side of the hose, facing down. Lay multiple hoses as necessary so no hose covers more than 25 linear feet of bed.

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      Cover the bed with a layer of plastic mulch, if desired. The plastic further prevents water loss from evaporation and prevents weed growth. Cut holes in the plastic to soak the plants along the row marked out by the soaker hose.

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      Attach the end of the soaker hose to the faucet. Alternatively, attach it to an electric timer attached to the faucet so it turns on and off automatically. Many timers have several attachments so you can hook up multiple soaker hoses to a single faucet.

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      Run the soaker hose for 10 to 20 minutes to thoroughly moisten the soil. Frequency of watering depends on the needs of the plant and your climate, but most plants typically require one to two waterings a week.