Home Garden

Insulated Hand Digging Tools

Digging into soil by hand requires tools that range from large shovels to small trowels. Spades, hoes and forks are sized for extensive digging or puttering around the garden plants. Insulated handles on the tools provide comfort for diggers -- and even protection under some circumstances.
  1. Insulated Handles

    • Hardware and home stores sell digging tools with many types of handles. Wood is traditional but hard plastic or fiberglass handles are also seen. Store-bought digging tools, especially for the garden, may come with a soft-rubber insulation that is built into the handle. The handle tang, or portion that connects with the digging portion, may be partially exposed with the finger rest insulated, or the entire handle may be covered.


    • Insulated digging tools have some advantages over non-insulated tools. The insulation is usually soft plastic or rubber, which gives those with weaker hands a better gripping surface. Vibrations are dampened when digging, which leaves muscles feeling less sore at the end of the day. In the rare event that a tool comes into contact with a source of electricity, the insulation provides some small protection against shock. Plastic insulated handles often clean up easier and aren't damaged by chemicals.

    Professional Tools

    • Professionals who work with tools often cover their non-insulated tool handles with a commercial coating for many of the same reasons -- a better grip, reducing vibration and protection against shock. The same material used for those tools can also be used for home garden tools. The coating material is found in the same hardware stores with the tools and comes in spray on, paint on and dipping applications.


    • It's best to coat tools when they're new and free from dirt and oil from hand contact. Before you coat any tool, it must be scrubbed clean with soap and water, and any abrasions or splinters must be sanded down. The easiest type of do-it-yourself tool insulation has a small, fluid-filled container in which you dip the handle and then allow it to dry. This does not work well with larger tools such as shovels or spades, which require painting or spraying.