Home Garden

Tools for Digging Holes

Many tools are available for landscaping your home and property. Tools for digging holes come in a range of prices and modes of operation. To save money in the long run of the project, research your project thoroughly before purchasing equipment or hiring a landscaping team.
  1. Types

    • Popular tools used to dig holes for outdoor or commercial projects include clamshell hole diggers, hoes, pick axes and augers, which come in many varieties. Hand post-hole diggers, handheld power augers, wheeled augers and tractor pole host augers are some popular types of auger equipment on the market.


    • Whether you plan to install a homemade pond or are simply interested in updating your landscaping, hole-digging tools are essential to completing projects in a timely manner. The use of these power tools reduces the amount of labor needed to complete projects. Projects that may require the use of hole-digging tools include planting trees, gardening and building a new surface for leveling.


    • Browse local and online hardware and home tool stores before purchasing any equipment, as prices will vary by store and tool brand. Prior to making any purchases, plan a budget to stick to the project's financial goals. Depending on the type of tool and its abilities and power, your purchase amount could range from $100 to $1,000.


    • Free resources on augers and other digging tools and equipment are available on various websites. Popular websites for information on digging tools and equipment include Garden Auger and Easy Digging. You can also visit local hardware stores for prices and rental estimates.