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How to Hang Tilt Probes for Storage Bins

A tilt probe is an electronic enclosure that is inserted into industrial storage, garbage and recycling bins to monitor levels of bulk material that have been dispersed into the bin. Tilt probes are mechanically engineered with an electronic circuit to give off a signal with the probe tilts beyond the preset angle. Tilt probes are usually hung near the top level of the bin for optimal sensory detection.


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      Determine the proper location for the tilt probe. It's best to hang it near the top of the storage bin. This is the optimal area for the probe to monitor and detect the storage of materials. If you want to put it lower, it will give off a signal much sooner.

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      Locate the mounting flange on the bin. Snap the tilt on the edge of the bin and mount the tilt probe near the top position of the unit. The tilt probe may have a long chain that will allow you to link it to the mounting flange by snapping it onto a loop. Otherwise, it may have an adjustable snapping mechanism that snaps onto either the terminal box or the bin. Some tilt probes may be mounted by screws or tape. If there are holes, use a screwdriver to mount the tilt probe to the top level of the bin.

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      Locate the wire connections. Connect the two color-coordinated wires from the tilt probe to the matching colored-holes in the control unit. The tilt probe's monitoring unit, which is usually mounted in another location, has an electric circuit to avoid tripping hazards and prevent unwanted signals due to swaying of the tilt probe. The monitoring or control unit can be mounted on a wall by using a screwdriver to insert screws into the designated holes. The monitoring unit can be as much as 100 meters away from the tilt probe.

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      Seal the tilt probe inside the enclosure with epoxy glue to keep it protected, if it comes with an enclosure. Some tilt probes have an enclosure to protect it from the damage that may occur from materials being thrown into the bin.