Home Garden

How to Hang a Cabinet for a Microwave

Microwave cabinets, whether homemade or pre-made, essentially convert your countertop microwave oven to a built-in model. Hanging the oven on the wall frees up counter space for storage and utility. Microwave cabinets typically have two special features: They are ventilated to prevent the oven from overheating, and they have a hole in the bottom to pass the electrical cord. Hanging a dedicated microwave cabinet on the wall uses techniques similar to hanging any other wall-mounted cabinet. No special tools or advanced carpentry skills are required for this project.

Things You'll Need

  • Carpenter's level
  • Pencil
  • Wooden plank, 1-by-3 inches, trimmed to the approximate width of the cabinet
  • Coarse-thread drywall screws, 2 1/2 inches long
  • Drill with drilling and driving bits
  • Measuring tape
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    • 1

      Mark the wall at the height of the bottom of the cabinet shelf. Place a carpenter's level on the mark and scribe a horizontal line on the wall. Use a stud finder to locate the wall's framing studs. Mark their positions a few inches below the horizontal line.

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      Position a 1-by-3-inch plank on the wall so its upper edge is aligned to the horizontal line. Drill pilot holes through the plank, into the wall studs. Temporarily attach the plank to the wall, using drywall screws. The installed support rail will hold the cabinet level and in place as you install the cabinet.

    • 3

      Place the bottom of the cabinet on the support rail. Ask an assistant to hold the cabinet in place. If necessary, locate the framing studs above the cabinet, and mark their positions on the top of the cabinet. Measure the distance from the left and right edges of the cabinet to the centers of the studs. Transfer these dimensions to mark the stud positions on the nailing strip inside of the cabinet.

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      Drill pilot holes through the nailing strip, into the framing studs in the wall. Insert a screw into each pilot hole, and screw the cabinet to the wall. For extra support, drill pilot holes in a vertical line about 4 inches apart beneath the installed screws. Screw the cabinet to the framing studs at each pilot hole. The screws will be concealed by the installed microwave oven.

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      Remove the support rail.