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How to Germinate Sacred Lilies

Rohdea japonica, commonly known as sacred lily or Japanese sacred lily, is an herbaceous evergreen plant native to parts of China and Japan. Its leaves grow 18 inches long and 3 inches wide. A white flower also blooms in spring, nestled in the foliage. If that blossom is pollinated, it fades into a cluster of winter-hardy red berries. Inside the fruit are the seeds for germinating new sacred lily plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Sacred lily seeds
  • 2-inch planter with drainage holes
  • Potting soil
  • Spray bottle
  • Plastic bag
  • Seed propagation mat
  • Clear glass or plastic film
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    • 1

      Pick the sacred lily berries as soon as they develop a red color in the fall. Open them up by hand to remove the seeds.

    • 2

      Rinse the seeds under running water to remove the coating. Set them aside.

    • 3

      Fill a 2-inch planter with potting soil, leaving about half an inch between the surface and the pot's rim. Irrigate the potting mix until water flows from the drainage holes.

    • 4

      Sow one berry's seeds on the soil surface. Sprinkle potting mix over the seeds to cover them, and then spray the top layer of soil with water.

    • 5

      Place the pot in a plastic bag and seal it. Poke a small hole in the bag to allow air to flow in and out. Store the planter in the refrigerator for two months.

    • 6

      Set the thermostat of a seed-propagation mat to 70 F. Take the seeds out of the refrigerator and remove the plastic bag. Place the planter on the mat. Cover the pot with a piece of clear glass or plastic film, leaving a small gap for air to circulate. Germination takes at least two weeks, but it might be longer before the seeds begin to sprout. Check the soil moisture regularly during this period. Water the seeds whenever the surface begins to dry.