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How to Germinate Helenium

Helenium is a genus of flowering plants in the aster family. Native to North and Central America, Helenium is host to several species of moths and butterflies. Helenium flowers bloom in early fall in shades of red, yellow and orange daisy-like flowers. Helenium grows best within zones 3 through 8 on the U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map. Start the Helenium seeds indoors four to six weeks before the last frost in the spring.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat-based seed starting mix
  • Nursery tray
  • Peat moss
  • Heat mat
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      Pour a peat-based seed starting mix into a nursery tray and run water over it, stirring, until the mix is uniformly moist. Allow the tray to drain completely.

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      Place the Helenium seeds on the surface of the mix and cover with a 1/8-inch or less layer of peat moss. The seeds require light to germinate so don't cover them too thickly.

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      Place the heat mat in an area that receives lots of indirect sun and set the thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the tray on the top of the mat and keep the peat moss covering the seeds moist at all times. Use a spray bottle to moisten it so that you don't disturb the seeds.

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      Reduce the temperature on the heat mat to 59 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Don't forget to raise the temperature in the morning. The Helenium seeds germinate within seven to 10 days.