Home Garden

How to Seal Wood to Stop Bird Mites

Bird mites, which ordinarily live in birds' nests, will infest a home and its furnishings in the late spring or early summer, once the nest is abandoned. To prevent an infestation, keep your trees and yard trimmed and groomed, and dispose of vacant nests in a sealed plastic bag. You can also seal your wood lawn furniture or outdoor treatments with a shellac finish to repel bird mites; however, any upholstery, fabric or pillows should be periodically washed in hot water or treated with a miticide to prevent infestation.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood stripper
  • Dry shop rags
  • Denatured alcohol
  • Steel wool pad
  • Gloss or matte varnish
  • Foam brush
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      Remove any old varnish from the wood using a dry shop rag wet with wood stripper. Follow the manufacturer's directions for the use of wood stripper.

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      Wipe the stripped wood with denatured alcohol dribbled on a steel wool pad. Use small, gentle circular motions to remove or dissolve any remaining finish. The alcohol will also kill any hidden mites, eggs or larvae.

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      Apply a generous, even coat of varnish to the wood, using a foam brush. Follow the manufacturer's directions for the use of varnish. Allow the varnish to dry thoroughly.