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How to Make Tipsy Pot Hangers

Tipsy pots have a magical appeal at first glance, often leaving the viewer wondering how it is possible. Tipsy pots is the name given to a stack of tilted planters in which each pot appears to rest on rim of the one beneath it. Whether tipsy pots are hanging or sitting on the ground, the illusion is created by resting the edges on a sturdy pole that joins them all. Making your own tipsy pot hanger is a straightforward process once you understand how pots are arranged on the pole.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot with center drain hole, 4-inch or larger
  • Single pole garden hook with base
  • Planting soil
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    • 1

      Pick a garden hanger pole long enough to fit all of the pots you want to use. Poles come in a variety of lengths. Note the weight capacity of the pole and ensure that the hook is detachable from the pole straight.

    • 2

      Slide the first pot onto the pole through the center drainage hole. Make this the biggest pot if you are using pots of varied sizes. Tilt the pot on the base of the pole so that the rim is as near the pole as possible. Next, pack the pot half full of soil. Arrange soil around the pole.

    • 3

      Put a second pot onto the pole through the center hole. Rest an edge of the second pot on the top rim of the first pot. Tilt the second pot in the other direction and then fill it half full with soil, packing it around the pole.

    • 4

      Repeat Step 3 to add additional pots until you are happy with the number. Place your plants in the pots with the appropriate amount of soil. Screw the hook onto the straight of the pole as recommended in the instructions and then pick a place to hang your tipsy pots.