Home Garden

How to Repurpose a Headboard

Metal or brass headboards, with their open slats and long legs, are easily repurposed as sturdy trellises in your flower or vegetable garden. Solid wood or fiberboard headboards can support hanging metal plant holders and increase the amount of garden space available by expanding your garden area vertically. Look for old headboards at garage and estate sales, thrift shops or online. Install your repurposed headboard in your garden in spring when you're able to work the ground.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Shovel
  • Pea gravel
  • Hanging plant holders
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    • 1

      Calculate the distance between your headboard's two legs. Measure from the center of one leg to the center of the other. Measure the leg length to determine the necessary depth for your planting holes.

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      Select a level area in a sunny section of your garden in which to plant your headboard. Dig your planting holes to the appropriate depth and width. Place a shovelful of pea gravel in each hole for drainage.

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      Insert your headboard into the planting holes. Scrape back fill into each hole and tamp it down firmly.

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      Plant squash, beans and sweet potatoes or climbing flowers such as nasturtiums or morning glory in front of a brass headboard or any headboard with horizontal or vertical slats. Secure the plant vines as they grow upward with garden twine.

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      Paint a garden scene of flowers, vegetables or a sunrise on solid headboards. Hang wrought-iron plant holders from the headboard top to display potted flowers and vegetable plants.