Home Garden

How to Plant Mint

Mint is a fantastically aromatic herb that has been used since the days of Ancient Rome and Greece. Not only is it a breath freshener, but it also enhances the flavor of your favorite cuisine or beverage. However, planting mint in your garden can be a tad tricky. If you're not careful it might take over your whole garden!


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      Find an area for your mint garden. Mint is not particularly fussy. It grows pretty well anywhere in your yard or garden. Ample but not extensive light is needed, as well as some shade during the day. But, mint is rather forgiving of its placement.

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      Dig a hole. The best way to keep mint from overtaking your garden is by digging a hole 12 to 18 inches deep. Then place a black plastic liner, punctured with holes for drainage inside that hole. You may also use a 5 gallon bucket with punctured holes as well, although you'll have to dig a bit deeper.

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      Purchase mint from your local nursery. The easiest way to plant mint in your garden is to purchase it from your local nursery. This way you'll know that the roots are healthy and intact. Remember mint will spread, so you don't need a lot.

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      Fill in the dirt. If you dug a hole 12 to 18 inches, fill it in until you have about a 3 inch depth remaining.

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      Plant your mint. Remove the mint from the nursery container and plant it, again about three inches deep. Cover it with soil.

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      Mulch the soil or add bonemeal. This should be done at the time of planting or bi-annually.

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      Water your mint regularly. Especially if you have prolonger periods of hot weather.

