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How to Grow & Care for Desert Roses

Adenium obesum, also known as desert rose, is a native of East Africa. Desert rose plants are cold tender and grow very well in dry conditions. This succulent plant blooms with brilliant flowers during the summer and is dormant in the winter. It grows up to 12 feet tall when planted in the ground but stays smaller when potted.


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      Prepare a bed for your desert rose garden that receives full or partial sun. The soil must be well drained, as desert rose roots don't do well in standing water. Desert rose grows best in dry conditions. Many people grow desert rose plants in clay pots for better control of the soil condition and the ability to bring the cold tender plants in during the winter.

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      Water your desert rose during times of drought or when the soil is very dry during the growing season. During the winter, when the plant is dormant, it needs very little water. Over-watering causes the desert rose to lose leaves.

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      Feed your desert rose with a liquid plant food monthly during the growing season. This is especially important for potted plants, as the smaller amount of soil becomes depleted quickly.

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      Re-pot container desert rose plants every two years in the spring after the dormant period. Trim the roots at the time of repotting.