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How to Care for a Rose Cactus

The rose cactus is a small shrub that belongs to the pereskia genus. The most common species of rose cacti are Pereskia grandiflora and Pereskia corrugata. What's most interesting about this plant is that although it's classified as a cactus, it doesn't have thick succulent leaves like most cacti. The rose cactus has broad leaves that are deciduous and have more of a rose-like appearance. The plant blooms in pink to purplish-pink flower clusters at the ends of its branches.

Things You'll Need

  • Planter pots
  • Liquid houseplant fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
  • Peat moss
  • Perlite or coarse sand
  • Loam
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      Position your rose cactus in full to partial sunlight. You can move a potted rose cactus outdoors in full sun during summer and then place the plant indoors in a bright, sunny window during winter.

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      Water your rose cactus at least once every week during spring and summer while the plant's actively growing. Keep the potting mix moist by providing water until it begins to drain from the bottom of the pot. You'll know it's time to water when the topmost layer of mix begins to feel dry to the touch. In winter, water your rose cactus sparingly.

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      Feed your rose cactus once every week during spring and summer, applying a dilute solution of liquid houseplant fertilizer. Follow the dosage and application instructions on the fertilizer label.

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      Trim back the stems on your rose cactus in spring, before you move the plant outdoors. Pereskia corrugata can grow up to 24 inches every year, so pruning the plant back will help to keep its shape and desired size.

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      Induce blooming of your rose cactus by withholding fertilizer and watering infrequently during winter. Rose cacti require a dormancy period during winter in order to bloom during spring and summer.