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How to Grow Delphinium Flowers

Delphiniums can add drama to your flower garden; the plants produce tall spikes of vibrantly colored flowers. Their height makes them an excellent choice for a border or the back of a landscaped bed, and because delphiniums are perennials, you can enjoy them for years to come. If you want to plant delphiniums to spice up your yard, keep in mind that they require regular care and maintenance to keep them flourishing.

Things You'll Need

  • Trowel
  • Mulch
  • Stakes
  • String
  • Garden shears
  • Flower fertilizer
  • Branches or heavy mulch
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      Find a spot in your yard or garden that accommodates delphiniums. The flowers need full sun and do best in a rich, well-draining soil. Because the plants can reach heights of up to 6 feet, they benefit from protection from heavy winds.

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      Plant the flowers in early spring, spacing the young plants or cuttings 18 inches apart.

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      Water the plants immediately after planting so they can start to set their roots. Continue watering the plants throughout the spring and summer when little rain falls.

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      Mulch around the plants with an organic mulch to keep the soil cool and conserve moisture during the hot summer months.

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      Stake the flowers with garden stakes and string if necessary to prevent them from breaking or becoming damaged when they begin to shoot up. Staking is best done early in the growing season, so the plant's roots are not damaged.

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      Cut off the flower stalks as the blooms on them die back to encourage a second flowering later in the summer.

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      Fertilize the plants late in the growing season with a fertilizer intended for perennial flowers.

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      Cut back the flowers again after the second blooming or in late fall.

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      Cover the plants with tree branches or heavy mulch as winter approaches to protect them from freezing temperatures.

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      Remove the branches or mulch in early spring so the plants can prepare for the growing season.

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      Fertilize the plants in early spring. Continue the schedule of fertilizer applications in early spring and then again later in the season for as long as you grow the plant.