Home Garden

How to Grow Peacock Plants

The peacock plant, or Calathea makoyana, is a perennial with striking foliage that grows up to 4 feet tall and is valued for its bright stem and leaf coloring. This common houseplant can be found in most home-and-garden centers and is an easy choice for home gardening enthusiasts. Growing peacock plants can add vibrancy and color to your home or outdoor garden and can make striking conversation pieces.

Things You'll Need

  • Pots or flower bed
  • Porous soil
  • Kitchen knife
  • Spray bottle or humidifier (optional)
  • Insecticidal soap (optional)
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      Locate an indoor or outdoor area that receives filtered sunlight for more vibrant foliage. Avoid planting peacock plants in full sunlight, as it can burn the tender leaves, causing mottling and fading. Use a loose, loamy soil that has been mixed with organic material like peat or processed cow manure.

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      Plant your peacock plants outdoors if you live in a region that does not frost in the winter; otherwise, find an indoor location to extend their life. Space each plant about 3 feet apart. Cover the roots completely, being careful not to pack soil around the stem or trunk of the plant. Use no larger than an 8-inch pot for each indoor peacock plant the first year, then re-pot the plant in a pot at least 1 inch larger each year.

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      Avoid watering peacock plants too heavily. Check the dryness of the soil before watering by poking a finger into the soil 1 to 2 inches, and only water the plants when the soil is mostly dry. Check the moisture level this way immediately after watering to give yourself a frame of reference for judging when the soil is dry.

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      Mist the foliage daily, as the peacock plants thrive in high humidity. Indoor conditions can be quite dry, especially if you run a furnace. Watch for brown tips on the leaves as a sign of low humidity. Place a room humidifier near your peacock plants if their leaves become discolored despite regular misting.

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      Propagate peacock plants by removing grown ones from the soil and gently separating the roots as close to the middle as possible with a sharp kitchen knife. Replant both divisions quickly, and water them right away.