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What Is the Meaning of Duvet?

On a chilly night, do you snuggle up in a down comforter or a duvet? The main difference lies not in the construction of the blanket, but in how it is used.
  1. Definition

    • The word "duvet" comes from French; it means "down," or the fine, fluffy feathers of birds such as geese and eider ducks.

    Current Usage

    • In English, "duvet" usually refers to a comforter filled with either down or polyester batting. A "duvet cover" is like a giant pillowcase for the duvet.


    • A duvet's function is the same as that of other types of blanket---to keep you warm in bed. However, a duvet is usually used with a duvet cover instead of a top sheet (as a comforter is).


    • Duvets are made with different types of down, or batting made from polyester, cotton, or silk. You can also choose the loft (thickness) and baffle construction that you prefer.


    • Using a duvet without a top sheet or bedspread means it is easier to make the bed in the morning. The duvet cover comes off for easy washing; the duvet itself only needs to be washed once a year.