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How to Add Memory Foam to a Mattress

Adding a memory foam pad to your mattress can make your bed more comfortable. Memory foam mattresses can be very expensive. Instead of spending thousands of dollars to get a mattress that is better for sleeping, add a memory foam pad. Memory foam is a high density material that eases pressure points while sleeping. Side sleepers, back sleepers and belly sleepers alike will sleep more comfortably. Memory foam mattress pads and pillows will minimize muscle aches and pains, easing you into a better, longer sleep.

Things You'll Need

  • Memory foam topper
  • Memory foam mattress cover
  • Mattress base/old bed
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      Determine the depth of memory foam pad needed for your bed. The pads are easily purchased in department or linen supply stores. The toppers come in 2-inch to 14-inch size mattress pads. If your base mattress is old and lumpy, consider purchasing a thicker memory foam topper. The density of the foam topper is measured in pounds per cubic foot. The denser the foam, the longer it will last and the more comfort you'll have.

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      Place memory foam topper directly on the bed. Cover both the mattress and foam topper with a memory foam mattress cover. You can purchase the covers at memory foam sales centers, such as mattress stores. The memory foam retains heat and the special memory foam cover will trap the heat away from your body so you don't get overheated at night. The heat aids in the comfort level of the mattress topper. As the foam heats up the mattress becomes more elastic and allows for better molding ability. This creates the melting sensation you feel as you sink into the comfort of the bed.

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      Rotate the memory foam often from head to foot to prevent compression. Memory foam is called memory foam because it's made up of thousands of tiny air filled cells. When your body lies on the foam the air is pressed out and the mattress molds itself to your body. When you rise from the bed in the morning the foam takes a while to decompress because it "remembers" the shape of your body. This is what makes the mattress so comfortable. More of your body is touching the mattress topper, spreading the stress on your body's pressure points over a greater area.