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How to Adjust to Memory Foam

Memory foam mattresses are made with high density 5.3-lb. viscoelastic small cell foam, which responds to heat, particularly body heat. When you lie on the foam, it will respond to your body heat points, relaxing more where heavier pressure points, such as shoulders, hips and knees, rest to give better support. This allows you to sleep in proper body and spine alignment, like being suspended in air or resting on a cloud. Allow the bed to adjust itself to room temperature after delivery and setup before starting your testing sessions to find the right temperature and support.


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      Place a padded mattress cover over the foam mattress and see whether you are cool enough after a night's sleep. Remove any blankets or comforters, leaving just the top sheet, and run your fans to keep you cooler. The trade-off might be less mattress foam relaxation for pressure points, but that might work out just right for your needs. If you need more relaxation, then remove the padded mattress cover, keeping just the thin bottom sheet, and use only a thin top sheet along with your fans. Add in a pillow made of the same foam mattress, which will give you added support for neck alignment but remove you from the heat of the bed mattress.

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      Remove your padded mattress cover and replace it with just a thin bottom sheet so more of your body heat will filter down through to the foam. Add a blanket or comforter over the top sheet to keep your body heat inside your bedding, concentrated down to the foam mattress. Keep your room temperature cooler when you add blankets and comforters so you are comfortable with the heat retention inside your covers.

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      Never use an electric blanket. The overall heating system will confuse the memory of your foam bed and cause it to break down faster and not provide the support your body needs. Test your sleeping for a week until you can find just the right arrangement that provides the support you need. It will be well worth your time and effort.