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DIY Fish Tank Desk

You have one major decision to make when you decide to make a fish tank desk: Will you work at the desk each day or is the piece to become fantasy furniture art? If your goal is the former, you’ll enjoy looking down at swimming goldfish or clown fish when work get crazy, and it beats “bring your dog to work” days, in terms of tranquility and peace.

Things You'll Need

  • Desk
  • Tank
  • Filtering system
  • Hardware
  • Fish
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      Locate a desk that’s structurally sound but in need of some care to return it to it’s former glory. Ferret through junkyards to find salvageable pieces, or haunt garage sales and fairs that include rummage stalls to unearth potential treasures. Proceed with caution if you’re a street forager or you could bring home termites with the desk that’s been left on the curb.

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      Designate an area of the desk for your fish tank. You have several options. You can sink a tank into the center of a desk, bracing it with stretchers that already exist or installing new buttresses to secure it. Alternately, buy a couple tower-shaped fish tanks and use them as two bases on which you’ll add a long desktop that stretches across the expanse. If your fish tank is to occupy space within a desk/wall credenza unit that’s currently used for storage, you may require a custom-size tank to fit the allotted space. Each situation is different, so design your fish tank desk based on your renovation expertise and budget.

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      Order your fish tank(s). Folks working in an aquarium supply store often are enthusiastic about all things involving fish. Bring a project diagram along and ask for help selecting the appropriate tank model, pumping and cleaning systems and rock and vegetation fillers. If you’re an experienced aquarium owner, think about ordering individual components from a fish supply website. Pick up tubes, lines and clips as well.

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      Slide the tank into position within the desk area you’ve selected. Anchor it in place using hardware that complements the desk’s color and metal fittings. For example, use brass or copper trim to match hinges, desk pulls and ornamentation. If there’s a water and power source adjacent to the desk – or if you’ve gone to the trouble of running lines from your plumbing to your work area – connect these. Fill the tank with water, and test the pump and filtering system for a day to make sure it’s operating properly.

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      Check the water’s pH levels before choosing and introducing your fish to their new habitat. If you’ve added hinges to entry panels or the desktop for easy maintenance, your desk aquarium experience is likely to be easier over time. That stated, if you find that you’re spending too much time studying fish and not enough closing accounts, you might want to rethink your pet choice and get a dog.