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DIY Closet Desks

A custom desk can easily be installed in an empty closet, creating a small office. The design allows you to hide the office when you are not using it by simply closing the closet door. In addition, a closet desk and office allows you to install shelving that provides plenty of storage space for binders, paper holders and document files.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • 1-inch thick plywood, 4-by-8 sheet
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Circular saw
  • Medium grit sandpaper
  • Paint or stain
  • Paintbrush
  • Level
  • 4 shelving brackets
  • 2-inch-long screws, at least 16 screws
  • Cordless screwdriver
  • 1/2-inch long screws
  • Screwdriver
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    • 1

      Empty the closet where you want to install the closet desk. Measure the total length and width of the closet space using a measuring tape. Lay the plywood sheet on a flat surface and draw a rectangle using your width and length measurements.

    • 2

      Turn on the circular saw and cut out the desk surface. Sand all edges to ensure no splinters are visible. Paint the desk and let it dry before installing it into the closet space. Apply several layers of paint with a paintbrush for a bold look.

    • 3

      Place the measuring tape on an inside wall of the closet to determine the height of the closet desk. Aim for a height of 30 inches, but adjust it according to your personal needs. Place a shelf bracket on the inside of the closet so it matches the height of your desired desk. Level the shelf using the construction level. Install the shelf bracket to the inside wall of the closet using the two-inch-long screws and a cordless screwdriver.

    • 4

      Install three more shelving brackets on the inside of the closet in the same manner, so each side except the front edge of the desk has support. Each shelving bracket must have at least four screws installed for support. Ensure all brackets are leveled during installation and are all at the same height.

    • 5

      Insert the plywood desk surface into the closet on an angle. Turn it slightly towards a horizontal placement, so the desk lies on top of the four shelving brackets. Crawl underneath the desk inside the closet and attach the desk to the brackets. Use the half-inch long screws and a manual screwdriver to secure the desk within the closet.