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How to Safely Clean Polished Leather Couch

Polished leather couches are a practical option for people who want low-maintenance furniture. Cleaning the couch is easy, but it's important to use the right products. Harsh cleaners can cause drying and cracking, while certain polishes may leave a residue. Use a conditioning cleaner such as saddle soap every three months.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum with soft brush attachment
  • Saddle soap
  • Bucket
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Towel
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      Vacuum the couch with a soft brush attachment, covering all areas including the sides and back. If the couch is up against a wall, pull it out so you can reach the back. Remove the cushions if possible.

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      Fill a bucket with warm water. Apply a small amount of saddle soap to a wet sponge. Start cleaning at the top of the couch, and work your way down. Clean one section at a time, covering all leather areas. Wipe down the cushions last.

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      Refill the bucket with plain water. Rinse the soap residue from the couch using a clean wet sponge. Start from the top and work your way down. Rinse the sponge often to get rid of any soap.

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      Dry the couch thoroughly using a towel. Start with any cracks and crevices where water can pool. Finish by drying the front and back of the couch and the cushions.