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How to Clean a Suede Leather Sofa

Suede leather furniture looks great in a house or apartment, but can be damaged if not properly cared for or cleaned. Cleaning your leather couch is not a difficult task, but it is important to know which cleaners you can use with suede leather. Each leather couch is manufactured in a particular way, so always ask a store representative what types of leather conditioner are safe to use with your particular couch. When cleaning your couch with soap or leather conditioner, always apply it to a nonvisible area first. This will ensure that if any marks or damage results, it will be in an inconspicuous part of your sofa.

Things You'll Need

  • Cloth
  • Soap
  • Leather conditioner
  • Cotton balls
  • Talcum powder
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      Wipe the couch with a damp cloth. If there are any smudges or dirty spots, put a small portion of soap on the cloth and gently rub them away.

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      Pour talcum powder directly onto any grease stains. Allow the powder to sit for four hours, then wipe it away with a cloth. The stain should be gone.

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      Dab leather conditioner onto cotton balls, and rub the cotton balls over the entire surface of the suede leather couch. The conditioner will alleviate water marks, as well as protect the leather and keep it in good shape.