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How to Remove Pen From a Leather Sofa

Leather sofas are usually expensive, and if you ever find a pen mark, you're sure to be concerned. Don't worry, there are many ways to remove pen marks from leather sofas. All you need is a little soap, a cleaner and some wiping action.

Things You'll Need

  • Saddle soap
  • Cotton cloth
  • Paper towels
  • Sponge
  • Leather protection spray
  • Dish detergent
  • Latex gloves
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      Put on the latex gloves to protect your hands from harsh chemicals. Grab the cotton rag and gently brush the marked area.

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      Apply saddle soap to the marked area and let it sit for about five minutes to dissolve the ink marks.

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      Wipe along the lines of the pen marks with a sponge as you begin to work the saddle soap against the fabric. Continue wiping as you begin removing the ink marks. Add dish detergent to the mix and continue to wipe. Switching between a circular motion and a vertical motion can help loosen up some deep marks.

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      Wipe off the excess soap or add more as needed until the pen marks begin to fade away from the leather sofa. Dab the surface with saddle soap and then go over the surface one more time with the dish detergent and sponge.

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      Dry the sofa with paper towels and let it sit for 30 minutes. If pen marks still remain, use a different brand of saddle soap or dish detergent. If all else fails, professional cleaning kits can help.

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      Apply the leather protection spray to help prevent any future pen marks on the leather.