Home Garden

How to Clean Oil From Your Skin Off of a Leather Couch

Leather couches add an attractive, low-maintenance touch to any household. If you have pets, kids or host a lot of company, leather is a smart choice. With daily use, fingerprints or skin oils may cause smudges on your leather couch. Use a damp cloth and mild dish soap to clean and restore a uniform shine.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft cloths
  • Mild dish detergent
  • Towel
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      Dampen a soft cloth with warm water and a drop or two of dish soap.

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      Squeeze out the cloth and wipe the front of the couch. Start from the top and work your way down. Make sure to clean the arm rests and cushion fronts.

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      Use a clean, wet cloth to remove any soap from the leather couch. Rinse the cloth periodically to ensure you're not leaving any residue behind.

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      Dry the couch quickly with a towel. Make sure to get down into any cracks or between the cushions where water can pool.