Home Garden

How to Get Spots out of Couches

Spots seem to appear on couches no matter how careful you are in maintaining your furniture. Fabric fibers absorb and trap dirt and liquids, just as clothing does. Stains occur from not only spills but also can appear over time as dirt is ground into the fabric of your couch. While it's unlikely you'll ever be able to completely prevent stains, treating them as soon as possible will prevent set-in stains.

Things You'll Need

  • Old towels or sheets
  • Toothbrush
  • Butter knife
  • ½ cup dishwashing liquid
  • 1 gallon water
  • Bowl
  • White cloth
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Sponge
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    • 1

      Isolate the stained area if possible. Remove stained cushions and place them on an old towel or sheet. If the stained area cannot be removed, cover up adjacent areas with an old towel to prevent cleaning solutions from accidentally reaching these areas.

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      Brush off any dried, solid pieces of the stain with your hand or a toothbrush. Remove as much dried material as possible before treating the stain. If the stain is thick or sticky, scrape off the excess with a butter knife.

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      Mix a gallon of warm water with 1/2 cup of dishwashing liquid in a bowl. Stir this solution until it is foamy.

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      Apply a small amount of the mixture to the stain with a soft-bristled brush. Work from the interior of the stain outward to avoid spreading the stain.

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      Blot away the stain as you work with a clean, white cloth. Fold over the cloth as you work to ensure you are blotting the stain with a clean portion of the cloth. Keep applying small amounts of the cleaning solution to the stain until the cloth remains clean when applied to the stained area.

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      Rinse the cleaning solution from the fabric by blotting the treated area with a clean, damp sponge.

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      Place towels over the wet area of the couch to absorb the moisture. Replace the towels periodically until the stained area is dry. Use a hair dryer on the lowest setting to help speed drying.