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How to Make Your Own Traditional Upholstered Headboard

Beds are usually the focal point of a bedroom, so their decoration is very important in the overall decorating scheme of a room. Adding an impressive headboard is a way to bring attention to the bed and increase its visual impact. Upholstered headboards are especially desirable, as they create a luxurious look. While upholstered headboards often carry a high price tag, it is possible to create one at home. The result is a fashionable accent for any type of bedroom decor.

Things You'll Need

  • Plywood
  • Marker pen
  • Measuring tape
  • Yardstick
  • Sawhorses
  • Jigsaw
  • Sanding block
  • Work goggles
  • Sanding mask
  • Electric knife carver
  • Quilt batting
  • Upholstery fabric
  • Staple gun
  • Staples, 1/4 inches
  • Scissors
  • Steel cleats
  • Stud finder
  • Pencil
  • Cordless screwdriver
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    • 1

      Measure the headboard dimensions by calculating the width of the bed mattress and add an additional 1 1/2 inches to each side to ensure the sides fully cover the width of the bed frame. Measure the desired height of the headboard, keeping in mind adequate height for resting against the board to read or sit in bed.

    • 2

      Using a measuring tape, mark the plywood piece with the correct width and height measurements and use a yardstick to connect the marks and provide a straight edge to guide the saw cuts. Lay the plywood piece on top of two sawhorses and follow the marked lines with a jigsaw until you've cut all four sides.

    • 3

      Lightly sand the rough edges of the plywood for the upholstered headboard with a sanding block until they are smooth.

    • 4

      Lay the plywood piece on top of a large piece of 2-inch thick foam. Trace around the plywood edges onto the foam. Use an electric knife carver and follow the lines on the foam until you've cut all four edges.

    • 5

      Buy quilt batting, a thin, soft padding material, from a fabric store to use as a layering piece over the cut foam. Add 12 inches to all the sides when determining the correct measurements. Select upholstery fabric, and add 12 inches to each side as well. The additional inches are necessary to wrap around the plywood frame when constructing the headboard.

    • 6

      Lay the upholstery fabric on the floor with the right side down. Top the fabric with the batting piece, keeping edges even with each other. Take the foam and plywood piece and lay them on top, respectively, leaving 12 inches of fabric and batting excess on each side of the foam and plywood.

    • 7

      Pull the upholstery fabric and batting to the back of the plywood on all sides and staple with a staple gun every 2 inches, starting with the corners and filling in the side areas. As the staple process continues, turn over the plywood piece to review the front to ensure the staples are creating a smooth look.

    • 8

      Cut any excess fabric that remains on the back area beyond the staples with scissors to give the back of the upholstered headboard a clean appearance.

    • 9

      Attach a set of upward-facing cleats to the wall studs behind the bed and an additional set of downward-facing cleats to the back of the headboard. Place the headboard on the wall using the cleat set.