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How to Knock Out a Wall to Make a Breakfast Nook

Breakfast nooks are partially secluded areas off a kitchen edge that have enough space for a small table and chairs. A breakfast nook is commonly used not just for breakfasts but also for casual family meals, for sipping coffee, for completing homework and sit-down chores or for family chats. They are generally set apart from the kitchen by different flooring or décor. Breakfast nooks are gaining back their popularity, as many modern designs have a more open floor plan than older ones. If you do not have a breakfast nook in your house, you may create one by knocking down a kitchen wall.

Things You'll Need

  • Claw hammer
  • Circular saw
  • Sledgehammer
  • Reciprocating saw
  • Cutters
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      Plan your project. Identify the area where you want to create the breakfast nook. The area should be cozy and preferably have a great view and good ventilation.

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      Check the wall that you plan to knock out to make sure it is not a load-bearing wall. Damage to the load-bearing wall can cause the floors to sag and the entire structure of the house to collapse. You may review the original plans of your house to identify the load-bearing walls. If the wall is perpendicular to a rafter, has a support beam above, or has a wall below, it is likely a load-bearing wall. If the wall you intend to knock out is a load-bearing one, seek professional help.

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      Locate a stud in the wall and make a small hole with a claw hammer and a punch. The hole should be big enough for you to be able to check inside for wiring, plumbing or other hazards. Cut and loosen the drywall with the use of a saw. Remove chunks of drywall from both sides of the wall.

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      Loosen the studs of the wall by tapping the bottom of the studs back and forth with the help of a sledge hammer. Pry out the bottom and use the board as leverage to break it loose from the top plate. Use a reciprocating saw to remove the bottom and top plates, especially at the point where they join adjacent walls.

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      Remove any protruding nails around the perimeter of the new opening. Use cutters to trim the nails that were driven from the other side of the wood. Reroute any exposed wiring.

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      You may finish the project by creating wall frame around the knocked out wall. You may create the frame depending on the dimensions of your opening. Attach the frames to the existing studs of the wall.