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How to Paint a Metal Stair Banister

Many houses have metal stair banisters. Metal is a low-maintenance material that is strong, gives a firm grip and is attractive both outdoors and indoors. Metal stair banisters need periodic maintenance because they tend to rust and the paint starts chipping. But once you paint your metal banister, it will look good for a long time.

Things You'll Need

  • Goggles and protective clothing
  • Bucket
  • Vinegar
  • Newspapers
  • Large cardboard piece
  • Masking tape
  • Scrubbing brush
  • Cloth rags
  • Scraper
  • Drill
  • Sandpaper
  • Wire brush
  • Paint brushes
  • Paint conditioner
  • Rustproof Primer
  • Protective enamel paint for metal
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      Layer the newspaper on the ground around the railings. Cover with large cardboard pieces, and secure with masking tape.

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      Wear goggles, gloves, a tight-fitting dust mask and clothing that covers your skin.

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      Mix equal portions of vinegar and water in a bucket. Dip the scrubbing brush in the solution, and remove all the dirt and dust from the surface of the railing. Let the railing air dry completely or wipe with dry rags. Empty the bucket, rinse and fill with water.

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      Scrape off the chipped paint and rust using the scraper. Attach the wire brush to the drill, and brush the railing to remove most of the old paint and rust. Wipe the surface with a damp rag. Sand the surface to remove any stubborn rust or chipped paint. Rub again with a damp rag. Let the railing dry completely.

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      Apply a coat of paint conditioner on the bare metal surface. When the conditioner dries, apply a coat of rust-inhibiting primer. When the primer is dry, apply a coat of rust-inhibiting enamel paint suitable for metal surfaces. Back-brush if you need to remove drips or make the painted surface even.