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How to Redo a Metal Desk

Inexpensive metal desks are available in most sizes and many styles from thrift stores and recycled furniture outlets. A lot of these desks have survived because they are well made and sturdy. Metal is a good material to refinish if it is in reasonably good condition. You can make an old desk trendy by painting it using modern abstract design and patterns as your guide.

Things You'll Need

  • Soap
  • Water
  • Nylon bristle brush
  • Rags
  • Brass wire brush
  • Auto body filler
  • Wide putty knife
  • Orbital sander
  • 60- to 120-grit sandpaper
  • Spray primer
  • Painter's tape
  • Spray paint
  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Clear coat
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    • 1

      Position the desk outside on a driveway or sidewalk. Scrub the desk using soap, water and a nylon bristle brush. Dry the desk immediately after rinsing with rags.

    • 2

      Scrub the corners and cracks of the desk using a brass wire brush to loosen debris, rust and peeling paint. Use the brush on all edges and hard-to-reach places.

    • 3

      Sand the surfaces of the desk with a sanding block and orbital sander using 60- to 120-grit sandpaper. Remove all loose paint, rust and uneven surfaces. Fill holes or dents with an auto-body filler. Spread the filler over the holes using a putty knife. Scrape off any excess. Allow the filler to dry and sand the spots to make them even with the rest of the metal. Wipe down all of the metal surfaces with clean rags.

    • 4

      Spray the desk with a rust-preventing primer paint. Primer all of the metal surfaces. Lightly sand with fine sandpaper any drips, ridges or uneven paint. Allow the paint to dry for four hours. Spray the desk with a base coat in the color that you want to show for most of the desk. Spray two or three coats to build up a thick finish. Allow the last coat 24 hours to dry.

    • 5

      Tape off the portions of the desk you do not want to paint. Leave open or exposed the lines, angles, designs or patterns you want to use on the desk. Rub down the edges of the tape, and use paper or plastic to cover larger areas of the desk. Spray paint the exposed area. Paint two or three coats allowing each coat to dry in between. Allow the last coat to dry for four hours. Repeat this process with as many paint colors as you want to use on the desk.

    • 6

      Sand the painted desk lightly with a very fine sandpaper to remove ridges between paint colors along tape lines and any drips. Wipe down the desk with clean rags. Spray the desk with several coats of clear coat. This will merge the painted layers and provide a nice overall finish. Allow the desk to dry for 24 hours before moving or using it.