Home Garden

How to Redo a Metal Shed

Metal sheds can provide useful storage for the avid gardener or homeowner who lacks sufficient space to store his belongings. However, metal sheds aren’t commonly prized for their beauty. If you are the owner of a metal shed that has come to look less-than attractive, turn some attention to this outdoor storage space. With a bit of care and elbow grease, you can give your tired shed the facelift it so desperately needs.

Things You'll Need

  • Fine-grit sand paper
  • Orbital or belt sander (optional)
  • Rubber mallet
  • Metal-surface paint with rust protection
  • Paint brush
  • Detail paints (optional)
  • Detail brush
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      Sand the rust off the surface. If the surface of your shed is only marred slightly by rust, remove it by hand using a fine grit sand paper. If rust patches cover much of the surface, use a power tool to make the job simpler, picking up a belt sander to sand a flat surface or an orbital sander for a surface with ridges and grooves. Sand only until the rust is removed to ensure that your sanding doesn’t upset the structural integrity of the shed.

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      Pound out any major dents. Though you likely won’t be able to return a dented shed surface to its original perfection, you can pound out some large dents to make them less noticeable. Use a rubber mallet and tap near the center of the dent, hitting the side on which the dent protrudes to reduce the depth of the dent and the degree to which it is noticeable.

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      Paint the surface. Select a paint intended for painting metal surfaces that features rust protection. Paint only the outside if you use the shed only for storage, or paint the entire shed if you want the interior to look as nice as your newly dressed-up exterior.

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      Add some decorative painting. If you truly want to transform your shed from merely useful to especially beautiful, add some decorative detailing so it better fits with the outdoor space. For example, if your shed sits at the edge of your garden, paint decorative green ivy vines traveling up the side of the shed, making it an aesthetically pleasing addition to the space.