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How to Make Japanese Maple Grow Faster

Gardeners grow the many cultivars of Japanese maple (Acer Palmatum), introduced to the U.S. from the Far East, for its ornamental seven-tipped leaves. Foliage colors vary and include green, red and purple. Variegated cultivars are also available. Ask at your garden center which cultivars grow fastest in your area. Once you’ve picked the right Japanese maple for your region and conditions, it takes careful care to make the tree grow quickly. These trees can grow to 25 feet, although many types only attain 10 feet. Japanese maples also make good container specimens.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruners
  • Mulch
  • Spade
  • Insecticide
  • Broken crocks
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      Plant Japanese maple in a sunny spot, well-drained spot with a rich, slightly acidic soil. Choosing the right soil makes fertilization unnecessary. These trees flourish best with plenty of sunlight. Japanese maples will not do well in a damp, waterlogged location.

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      Water the tree regularly in its first year, whenever the soil around the trunk is dry to the touch. This helps it to grow more quickly in its initial stages. Once established, the Japanese maple needs less water.

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      Prune the trees outside the growth season in winter. They do not need heavy pruning, just the removal of crossed, straggling or broken branches. Avoid pruning them in the spring and summer. This causes a flow of sap from the trees, which can weaken them.

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      Spread a 3-inch layer at the foot of the tree, about 3 feet across at the beginning of the growing season. This helps to retain the right level of moisture.

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      Check regularly for aphid infestation. You may see the insects, or the sticky residue that they leave on the foliage. Spray with an insecticide at the first sign of infestation, following the manufacturer’s instructions.