Home Garden

How to Plant Bean Sprouts

Bean sprouts are a nutritious addition to almost any dish, and are commonly used in Asian cooking. Bean sprouts contain high amounts of vitamins and nutrients, and lower levels of calories and carbohydrates than dry grains. They have a fresh flavor with a crisp texture that complements the taste and consistency of rice, vegetables or meats. However, bean sprouts are expensive to purchase and are usually sold in small quantities. You can plant bean sprouts from home so you always have some on hand.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/2 cup organic, dried mung beans
  • 1 cup warm water
  • Sprouting jar
  • Mixing bowl
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    • 1

      Combine 1/2 cup mung beans and 1 cup warm water, or approximately 75 degrees Fahrenheit, in a sprouting jar. Use organic dried beans for best results.

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      Secure the jar's lid and place it into a dark cupboard for 10 to 12 hours.

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      Drain the water from the sprouting jar. The mungs should look plump from the water they have absorbed.

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      Fill the jar with cool water and swirl the beans around. Drain off the water and repeat until it rinses clear. Place the lid back onto the jar and set the well-drained mungs back into the cupboard.

    • 5

      Rinse the sprouts in cool water twice daily, placing them back into the cupboard each time. Continue rinsing the beans twice daily for five days, or until the bean sprouts are the same thickness as the beans.

    • 6

      Pour the bean sprouts into a mixing bowl and remove any hard beans that did not grow. These are painful to bite down on if you accidentally place them into a dish.

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      Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator for up to five days.