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How to Plant Dried Beans

Dried beans come in varieties including kidney, pinto, garbanzo, adzuki, mung, pinto and navy. While people commonly purchase these types of beans in bags at the grocery store for food, it's also possible to plant the beans to yield plants. This can make an educational project for children, in addition to producing edible results. With the right supplies, planting dried beans is easy.

Things You'll Need

  • Land for planting
  • Garden hoe
  • Rake
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      Choose the type of bean you want to plant.

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      Locate a planting site. Dried beans grow best in full sunlight in soil that is well-drained.

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      Soak the beans for up to 12 hours before planting. This helps to speed plant germination.

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      Cultivate the soil in the area where you'll plant using a garden hoe or rake. This involves loosening the soil by churning it. There's no need to dig deeply into the ground, but be sure to get rid of any large clumps of dirt or rock that might be in the way.

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      Make a hole in the soil roughly 1-inch deep for each bean that you'll plant. Holes should be approximately 4 inches apart.

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      Place the dried beans in the holes and cover with soil.