Home Garden

How to Grow a Cymbidium Orchid

The cymbidium orchid is part of the Orchidaceae family. Often used as a cut flower in floral arrangements or corsages, the cymbidium orchid also makes an elegant, easy-to-care for houseplant. There are two kinds of cymbidium orchids, standards and miniatures. Miniatures are ideal for climates that are 70 degrees or higher at night as they can tolerate warmer conditions, whereas standards prefer temperatures five to 10 degrees lower. Standard and miniature cymbidium orchids have the same care requirements.

Things You'll Need

  • Orchid potting medium
  • High-nitrogen fertilizer
  • Low-nitrogen fertilizer
  • Tray
  • Gravel
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      Place the cymbidium orchid in an orchid potting medium that contains fir bark and peat moss for proper drainage and nutrients. Set the orchid in a room that receives shaded sunlight during the morning and afternoon. If its leaves are dark green, they are not receiving enough sunlight and should be moved to another area of the home.

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      Water the orchid on a regular basis during the growing season, from spring to the end of summer, monitoring the soil to make sure it stays evenly moist. Water with lukewarm water in the sink until the water runs from the drainage holes.

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      Fertilize the orchid with high-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 30-10-10 or 25-9-9, from spring to the end of summer. Apply one-quarter of the recommended dosage once a week. Apply a high-phosphorus but low-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 10-30-20 or 6-25-25, from August to January. Apply one-quarter the recommended dosage once a month.

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      Provide a humid environment for the cymbidium orchid. According to the University of Tennessee Extension, orchids need 50 to 70 percent humidity to thrive. Provide humidity by setting the flower pot on a tray of gravel with just enough water so that the bottom of the flower pot isn't touching the water. You also can place the orchid in a plastic flower pot as opposed to a clay pot.