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How to Plant Orchids in Wooden Boxes

Orchids are beautiful, popular tropical plants that come in a wide variety of colors. Air orchids like their roots to hang free in the air, and should be planted in bark that is suspended in a hanging net or open-weave container, which means they are not really conducive to growing at home. All other types of orchids thrive in planters, pots and wooden boxes if given the right conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • Orchid soil
  • Rocks or gravel
  • Spray bottle
  • Drill
  • Waterproofing sealant
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      Seal your wooden box with a waterproofing sealant. Orchids like humidity, and your box will quickly rot if not sealed. Make sure there is adequate drainage in your box. If not, use a drill to make several holes in the bottom of it.

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      Line the bottom of your wooden box with rocks or gravel. This will help with drainage. Although orchids like humid conditions, too much water will cause fungi to grow.

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      Fill the box halfway with a blend of soil formulated for orchids, which can be purchased at any home or garden center.

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      Loosen the roots of the orchid gently, and place it in the box. The place where the stem of the orchid meets the soil should be half an inch above the edge of the wooden box. If it is not, add more soil before placing the orchid in the box.

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      Fill the box with more soil until the orchid is surrounded. Firmly pat down the soil so that it supports the orchid.

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      Water the soil and keep it moist for a week. Make sure you mist the orchid every day as well, as they like high humidity.