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How to Grow Medium Orchids

Orchids are native to many different climates including the tropics and the arctic tundra. The orchids available in retail stores are usually from the tropics. In their native environment they grow in the tops of trees where the roots cling to bark and the orchid receive a lot of filtered sun. These beautiful plants are available in thousands of varieties. Phalaenopsis is a hybrid suitable for a novice because of their easy care.They are readily found in many retail stores, and are available in a variety of colors ranging from white to a deep maroon. With some basic care, your orchid can be enjoyed for years.


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      Phalaenopsis orchids come in a wide range of colors.

      Decide which orchid to purchase. A good choice for the novice is a phalaenopsis, available at retail stores. A healthy plant will have bright green leaves with one or two tall spikes of flowers. Any visible roots should be plump and not shriveled.

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      Mix 1/8 teaspoon of commercial orchid fertilizer with 1 gallon of water. Hold your plant over the sink and pour this solution over the growing medium until the water runs out of the bottom of the pot. Water your plant once a week allowing the growing medium to dry completely before watering again. An orchid can tolerate drought better than over watering.

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      Place your plant in a location that provides bright indirect light. An eastern or southern window is ideal. If the leaves become a dark green, your plant is not getting enough sunlight. Bright yellow-green leaves indicate the orchid is receiving too much direct sun.

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      Place gravel in a shallow tray and add water to it. Place your potted orchid on top of the gravel. This will provide the humidity which will keep your plant healthy. Your phalaenopsis does not need to be misted.

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      Wait until your plant has dropped its blossoms before re-potting it.

      Re-pot your orchid if the roots are growing profusely over the top of the growing medium. Orchids prefer being slightly pot-bound and it is normal to see a few roots growing through the top of the medium. Re-potting is done after the plant has bloomed and has dropped it blossoms. Choose a pot with drainage holes in the bottom and add a few foam peanuts to the bottom. Place your plant in the new pot and cover the roots with commercial orchid potting medium.