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Pleione Orchid Care

Pleione orchids are native to the Himalayas, China and Southeast and East Asia. The terrestrial orchids belong to a group of about 25 that grow in cooler conditions. Plant varieties have colorful flowers including yellow, purple, white and pink with bright-green leaves. Many orchid growers use the Pleione orchid for container gardening because of the need for cooler temperatures.
  1. Temperatures

    • Pleione orchids grow naturally in higher elevations in its native habitat, which is cooler from the lower elevations around the United States. Orchids need temperatures between 42 and 78 degrees F and don't do well when temperatures remain higher than 78 degrees F for long periods. When temperatures are higher than 78 degrees F, move the orchid pot to a new, cooler location. This limits stress on the orchid. During winter, the orchid needs cool temperatures.


    • During spring and summer, Pleione orchids do well with direct sunlight, but indirect sunlight is needed if temperatures are high. During winter when the orchid is dormant, shade or diffused light is required so the plant has a resting period.


    • Pleione orchids need moist soil during spring and summer. Water the plant sparingly during spring until the plant is established and shows signs of growth. After the plant is established, water the orchid once a week, keeping the soil moist. In fall and winter, allow the soil to dry between waterings so the orchid rests.


    • Apply a well-balanced fertilizer in the spring and summer every three weeks or after the every third time you water the orchid. Use 1/4 of the recommended dosage on the fertilizer package. In the fall, use a fertilizer with a higher potash at 1/4 the recommended strength. During the winter, stop fertilizing the Pleione orchid but resume in spring.


    • Whenever you repot your Pleione orchid, use equal parts of orchid compost, peat moss and loam. Insert a stake in the container for the orchid stem when it grows to maturity. Prune the orchid stalk down to the soil in fall. Place a fresh layer of compost over the soil for winter.