Home Garden

Vanda Care

The Vanda orchid is a hybrid plant great for use as a houseplant because it's adaptable, easy to grow and has beautiful flowers. Native to the Philippines, the Vanda orchid produces tall, strong stems with up to 12 flowers on each. You can expect the blooms to last for at least three weeks under ideal conditions.
  1. Temperature

    • Orchids are tropical plants often found growing in rain forests under the canopy of dense trees. They enjoy a daytime temperature between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with nighttime temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees. They also need high humidity; misting daily with a hand-spritzer will help to keep the Vanda orchid healthy.


    • Although orchids are tropical plants, they do not tolerate full sunlight. A light level with about 70 to 80 percent shade is similar to the understory of the rain forest, where the filtered light barely gets through the treetops. Keep the Vanda orchid out of the window in an area where it will receive some reflected sunlight.


    • In rain forests, the moisture washes down through the trees to the plants below. However, this does not mean the orchid likes a damp footing for its roots. Since the Vanda orchid does not have thick roots to store water, you will need to water it daily with either rain or distilled water. Once a month, add a fertilizer to the water for nutrition.


    • Repotting a Vanda orchid is necessary every four to five years. The soil medium breaks down and often the roots tend to creep over the edge of the pot. Separate the roots to form new plants or use a larger pot to hold the orchid. Use pine bark around the roots for some nutrients and to hold them in place.