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How to Grow Mokara Orchids

Orchids are perceived as temperamental and difficult to grow. Fortunately, most orchids are actually easier to grow than a weeping fig. The Mokara orchid, first grown in Singapore in 1969, is a hybrid of the Arachnis, Ascocentrum and Vanda orchids. The Mokara is one of the easy-to-grow orchids and has a beautiful and exotic appearance. With careful attention to light, temperature and water, it thrives in the modern home.

Things You'll Need

  • River rocks
  • 30-10-10 orchid fertilizer
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      Select a Mokara orchid. When choosing an orchid, look at the leaves and roots. The leaves should be firm and green. The roots should be plump and healthy, without withered or dead tips.

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      Place the pot in an east-facing window, where it receives full morning sun. Orchids tend to be top heavy, so a few river rocks placed around the base of the pot will keep your orchid from tipping over.

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      Place a fan in the room, set on "low." While the Mokara orchid will tolerate temperatures between 50 and 100 F, good air circulation and extra humidity helps the plant tolerate higher temperatures.

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      Water Mokara orchids in the morning. Run room temperature water through the potting mix for several minutes. The roots absorb water quickly; do not allow the orchid to stand in water. Water several times a week during hot weather.

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      Fertilize the orchid with a 50 percent dilution of a 30-10-10 orchid fertilizer, after a thorough watering. In the growing season, spring to fall, fertilize every four days. In the winter, fertilize once a month.