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What Are the Benefits of Valerian?

Grown today mainly as an ornamental plant, valerian has historically been valued for its root, which was used for various medicinal purposes. Before barbiturate drugs were invented, valerian was used as a sedative; now valerian is used mainly as a sleep aid.
  1. Properties

    • Valerian grows up to five feet in height, has blue-green leaves with white or pink flowers and a vanilla-like fragrance, but the root has a smell described as being similar to "old socks."

    Promotes Restful Sleep

    • For sedative purposes, add valerian tincture to a small amount of water and take at bedtime. Valerian is a central nervous system depressant, but is milder than sleeping pills and is nonaddictive.

    Stress and Anxiety

    • Valerian root also has been used to treat nervous conditions such as stress and anxiety. It helps reduce tension by helping to relax tense muscles.

    Digestive System

    • Valerian also has a calming effect on the digestive system, possibly because many stomach problems are caused by stress.

    As a Decoction

    • A decoction of valerian is made by simmering 1 oz. of valerian roots with 4 1/2 cups cold water for 20 minutes. Filter the mixture through a strainer, pressing roots against the sides. Cool and drink.