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Can I Grow My Tulips in Garden Pots?

Tulips grow well in pots made of the right materials and allowing for proper drainage. Gardeners, however, must keep them in a cool environment during their first eight weeks of growth.
  1. Pot Selection

    • Gardeners need to use pots at least 12 inches deep so the tulips have plenty of room to take root, according to Online Gardener Tips. The pots must include drainage holes in the bottom and should receive thorough cleaning before use. Plastic containers retain too much heat and moisture to support healthy tulip growth, so gardeners should use a terracotta or ceramic pot instead.


    • When planting tulips in a pot, gardeners should insert the bulbs 4 to 8 inches into the soil, then add water. The pot should sit on a bed of gravel or shards of pottery to prevent the soil from leaking out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.


    • Potted tulips should remain in a sheltered area where the temperature never exceeds 50 degrees Fahrenheit, according to Online Gardener Tips. The tulips require at least eight weeks in this controlled environment to ensure healthy growth.