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How to Grow Arugula in Pots

Arugula belongs to the mustard family of greens. The edible leaves have a pepper-like spiciness that makes them a flavorful addition to salads or for use as a cooked green. The versatile plant grows best in the cool spring or fall season, as warm summer temperatures cause it to flower and slow leaf production. The arugula plant is compact enough to grow well in pots as part of a container garden. Pots provide another benefit, as you can move the arugula to cooler areas of the garden as the weather warms, effectively extending the growing season.

Things You'll Need

  • Pot
  • Soilless potting mix
  • Arugula seeds
  • Plastic bag
  • Soluble fertilizer
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    • 1

      Fill a 1-gallon pot with pre-moistened soilless potting mixture. Fill the container to within 1½ inches of the rim.

    • 2

      Sow two to three arugula seeds on the potting mix surface. Press on the seeds lightly with your fingertips so they are in full contact with the potting mix. Sprinkle just enough moistened mix on top of the seeds to cover them.

    • 3

      Place a plastic bag over the pot to retain moisture during germination. Set the pot in a warm area.

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      Remove the bag once the seeds sprout, usually within a week. Keep the pot in an area with at least six hours of direct daily sunlight.

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      Water the arugula plants when the soil surface dries. If applicable, empty the drip tray under the pot after watering Trays aren't necessary under outdoor pots unless water staining of surrounding surfaces is an issue.

    • 6

      Fertilize the arugula with a balanced fertilizer once seedlings are 4 inches tall. Use a soluble fertilizer mixed at half the rate recommended on the package. Make the same application every two weeks thereafter.

    • 7

      Harvest arugula once the plants reach 6 to 8 inches tall and leaves are fully formed. Pluck the outer leaves from the plant, leaving the remainder to grow until they reach harvestable size.