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Annual Flowers to Plant in Houston

The Houston Grows plant database reveals 149 annuals that can be planted in Houston. This variety of plants allows you to have flowers that will survive in your garden during each of the seasons. Houston also can support annuals that grow in both sun and shade. Selecting from the plethora of annuals will be enjoyable. Choose numerous flowers with contrasting or complimentary colors and heights or stick to a simple regime by planting one or two that will survive in each season.

  1. Spring

    • Plant most petunias, either from seed or as transplants, after the last frost date. (Some petunia cultivars are planted in the fall, such as Petunia x hybrida). If you are planting from seed, you can start the germination indoors in late February or early March. Petunias can be planted in hanging baskets, window boxes or in your garden bed. Their bugle-shaped blossoms come in a variety of colors from deep purple and lavender to white and "creme brulee." The plants grow from 12 to 18 inches high, and they prefer areas that receive full sun.

      Geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) also are planted in spring. They produce clusters of five-petaled flowers that come in pink, red or white. They grow up to 2 feet tall and fit nicely around the border of a flower bed or in a flower pot. Geraniums grow best in areas with full or partial sun.


    • Lantanas (Lantana camara 'Radiation') can be planted in either spring or summer and remain in bloom until November, as they are drought tolerant and hardy. Their flowers form clusters of bright orange and red flowers that have three to five petals. They grow up to six feet tall and will attract butterflies to your garden. Wash your hands after handling these plants as they may cause skin irritation.

      Most impatiens also can be planted in either spring or summer. If you allow them to, they will spread to cover a significant horizontal area of your garden. Their signature flowers have six petals that are spherically arranged and come in lavender, red, orange, white, fuchsia and other colors. Impatiens prefer full to filtered shade environments.

    Fall and Winter

    • Several varieties of violets or violas bloom in the fall and through the winter and should be planted in the fall. For example Viola 'Penny Blue' is one cold hardy viola. Like all violets, each flower has five petals, four arranged symmetrically with one larger, lower petal. This particular variety of viola creates cobalt blue blossoms, prefers sun to partial sun and grows up to 6 inches high.

      Alyssum species are cold hardy and bloom in the fall. The Snow Princess variety may bloom all year round and can be planted in the spring or the fall. It is a trailing flower that works well in hanging baskets, but it also is an effective ground cover for flower beds. Its clusters of small white flowers attract butterflies. Plant Alyssum Snow Princess is sunny areas.