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Types of Annual Flowers

There are five different types of annuals: hardy, half-hardy, tender, cool-season and warm-season. With such a variety of different types of annuals, you are certain to find the ideal flowers for your garden. The term "annual" means that the flowers complete their full life cycle in a year. During that year, the plant produces seeds and propagates, which continues to produce more flowers.
  1. Begonia

    • The annual flower Begonia blooms in clusters of white, with shades of pinks and reds. The flowers bloom continuously right up until late October. The plant grows to about 16 inches tall.


    • The Periwinkle annuals grow to about 18 inches tall. They prefer sunshine or light shade with a well-drained, moist soil. The flowers range from mauve to pink, to white.


    • The Celosia plant grows to over 2 feet tall. The flowers bloom in a feathery plume in shades of reddish-pink. The plant is drought tolerant and prefers bright sunshine.

    Mexican Heather

    • Mexican Heather is an annual flower that grows in partial shade or full sun. The soil must be well drained. This drought-tolerant plant blooms tiny, delicate lavender or white flowers.


    • The Penta flower is in the category of a bush, with more woody branches rather than stems. The five-petal flowers are star shaped and usually white. The plant prefers full sun and evenly moist soil, although it can thrive in light shade.

    Garden Petunia

    • The Garden Petunia annual flower varies in color depending on the cultivar. The flowers sometimes double, and they are sweet smelling. Petunias grow best in sun, although they do tolerate shade.


    • The beautiful Zinnia annual grows in full sun and blooms during the mid-summer months. The plant presents ray and disk flowers in a variety of different colors. They grow to 3 feet tall.