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The Best Strawberry Plants for Virginia

Fresh strawberries from your Virginia garden are possible if you choose varieties that thrive in your area. There are three classifications of strawberries and over 600 varieties. June-bearing plants fruit in June and are used by commercial growers; everbearers produce fruit two times a year in June and at summer's end; day-neutral strawberry plants produce fruit all summer long. The Virginia Tech Cooperative Extension recommends several different varieties that grow well in Virginia's clay soil and dry conditions.

  1. Allstar

    • Allstar strawberries grow well in Virginia. They are resistant to red stele and verticillium wilt, common diseases that attack strawberries and other fruit. Allstar bears large, pink-red fruit in middle-to-late June.


    • Delite strawberries is a heavy producer known for its large, cone-shaped strawberries. This mild-flavored strawberry is recommended as a dessert berry.


    • Good in a variety of soil types, Delmarvel plants are exceptionally disease resistant and produce large berries. Delmarvel strawberries are flavorful and can be enjoyed fresh, frozen or canned.


    • Earliglow strawberries bear medium-sized fruit at the beginning of the season. Earliglow berries are sweet and considered one of the best-flavored varieties of strawberries. Use them fresh or when making preserves. Their resistance to diseases and pests make them one of the best strawberry plants for Virginia. A drawback of Earliglow strawberries is that a late frost can kill these early-blooming plants.


    • One of the most popular strawberry plants in the East, Honeoye strawberries are nearly perfect in size, color and for freezing, but they lack disease resistance. Trials conducted to compare the productivity of strawberry varieties when grown organically to those grown through conventional methods found that Honeoye strawberry plants were most productive, responding better than all other strawberries to organic farming methods.

    Ozark Beauty

    • Ozark Beauty strawberries are an everbearing strawberry, the only one recommended for growing in Virginia. Everbearers tends to produce less fruit than June-bearing plants but more than other everbearers. Ozark is known for quality fruit that can be eaten fresh or frozen.


    • Strawberry varieties are selected based upon the size of the berries, the dessert quality and berry freshness. Tribute is the one to select for your garden when you want strawberries fresh from the plant. A day-neutral variety, it produces mid-sized fruit in the spring and larger fruit in the fall.


    • Similar to Tribute, Tristar is a day-neutral strawberry plant that produces quality fruit.