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How to Care for a Don Juan Rose

Consistent care of the Don Juan rose bush adds a deep red color and intense fragrance to your garden area. This bush grows to heights of 15 feet and has glossy, dark green leaves. The Don Juan is a climbing rose bush with cut blossoms that are ideal for use in floral arrangements. Grow it in a garden area where it receives adequate sunlight and provide the right amount of moisture and fertilizer; the Don Juan rose will add beauty to your landscape for years.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose or watering can
  • Rose bush fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
  • Stakes (optional)
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      Add the Don Juan to your landscaping during the winter months if the winter temperatures do not dip below minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit normally. Otherwise, plant it in the fall or spring months.

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      Plant the Don Juan ever-blooming variety in your landscape where it receives full sun. If this is not an option, plant it in an area where it receives at least 6 hours of sun in the early part of the day. The rose graces the landscape with its greatest production of blooms in the late spring, although it produces blossoms again in the summer and fall if given the proper care.

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      Set the plant in an area with fertile soil that drains well and is high in organic matter. Choose a spot where the roots have little competition from grass, shrubs or trees -- at least 8 feet or more away from competing plants. The Don Juan rose does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil and does not thrive well when competing for root space.

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      Water the Don Juan regularly during the establishment period to prevent the soil from drying out. Once the plant establishes, allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

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      Fertilize the Don Juan once it is thriving well in the site. Use a fertilizer specifically formulated for rose bushes and follow the directions on the label for the amount and frequency.

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      Prune the Don Juan after the blooming season is over in the fall. Use pruning shears to cut it back to a height of about 24 inches.