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How to Prune a Camelot Rose

The Camelot rose, or Rosa 'Camelot,' is a hybrid tea rose variety that features deep green foliage and coral pink flowers. These fragrant roses have a spicy aroma and bloom from early spring through mid-autumn. Mature shrubs reach about 4 feet in height and feature an upright spreading habit. Camelot rose bushes require regular pruning to remain attractive and productive landscape plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
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      Prune Camelot rose shrubs in the early spring just before the buds develop. Hybrid tea rose varieties only bloom on the current season's wood. Cut the cane at about a 45-degree angle approximately 1/4 inch above the highest bud.

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      Prune out any dead, damaged or diseased canes. Use pruning shears to trim dead canes off at the base. Cut damaged or diseased canes several inches below the affected plant tissue.

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      Cut out the smaller, weaker canes. Remove any canes thinner than the diameter of a pencil.

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      Prune out any canes that cross another cane. Crossed canes rub against one another, often causing abrasions that allow pathogens to enter the plant tissue. Always remove the weaker cane and allow the healthier cane to grow.

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      Prune out up to one-third of the oldest, woodiest stems. This promotes new plant growth and better flowering. Prune old canes back to the base of the bush.

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      Thin out the remaining healthy canes. This opens up the center of your Camelot rose bush to allow better air circulation and sunlight penetration, both of which help to reduce the risk of plant diseases.

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      Cut off any old blooms throughout the summer. Older, faded flowers sometimes develop rose hips, which take nutrients away from the new flowers. Deadheading your Camelot rose bush encourages more blooms.

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      Seal pruning wounds with white glue or wood glue. This keeps cane borers and disease pathogens from entering the injured tissue.