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How to Prune Climbing Roses

Climbing roses are actually trained to grow up a trellis or other support system -- they don't climb on their own. They have one or more main canes and lateral shoots growing from the canes that produce the flowers. There are two types of climbing roses: those that bloom once each season, and repeat bloomers that bloom in flushes all season long. Prune those that bloom once a year after they finish blooming. Cut back repeat bloomers in late winter or early spring. Make all pruning cuts 1/4 inch above an outward-facing bud.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears


    • 1

      Water the climbing rose the day before you prune.

    • 2

      Cut all damaged and dead wood back to a main cane or a bud.

    • 3

      Remove growth that has strayed away from the support system and any canes that protrude from the rest of the plant.

    • 4

      Cut lateral shoots -- those that grow from the main cane -- back to four buds.

    • 5

      Prune the climbing rose's main canes only if they become overgrown. After pruning these canes, cut the lateral shoots to 3 inches.